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Gemmos Lauren Hubele

Common Heather, Calluna vulgaris

Calluna vulgaris

1.7 fl oz (50 ml) - Shrub Shoot Extract

Regular price $18.50
Regular price Sale price $18.50
Tax included.

Common Heather, Caluna vulgaris

The extract made from the young shoots of Heather is a Kidney and Urinary tract tonic.  It also harmonizes the mucosal lining of the urinary tract, vaginal wall and intestines. 

Why Lauren loves Heather Gemmo

I have such admiration for an extract that possesses the ability to be both subtle and deep acting like Heather and I happen to love coming across an expanse of heather while hiking. 

The Heather Shrub

This  low-growing evergreen perennial shrub growing up to 3’ tall, found widely in Europe and Asia Minor on acidic soils in open sunny circumstances.  When heather is present  it is the sign the forest is in its final decay stage. It’s roots form a dense tangle that stabilizes decomposed humus.  This plant is in the same botanical family as blueberry and is so tough and has such strong regenerative powers that it can easily survive fires, putting up plentiful new shoots to provide food for grouse and livestock.

Within the Restoring Immunity System

Nervous System Support

Not yet studied

Elimination Support

Utilized for elimination support only once still has been improved by other extracts. It is a mild-moderate diuretic. 

Alkalizing Support

Consider in all cases of dysbiosis, urinary symptoms, bacterial imbalances, and for the prevention of or the resolving of kidney stones

Acute Support

In a protocol to resolve an acute kidney stone flare.  Usually taken along with Black Currant and a well matched elimination extract. 

Here’s a Podcast to learn more.

Gemmo Ingredients

  • Plant: 5%
  • Glycerine: 33%
  • Ethanol: 18%
  • Water: 44%


None known.


Gemmo extracts are not meant to treat or cure any disease or medical condition. Please consult with your practitioner before using these or any product during pregnancy, along with prescription medications or if you have a serious medical condition.

The previous statements and all statements on this site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).


Common Heather, Caluna vulgaris

The extract made from the young shoots of Heather is a Kidney and Urinary tract tonic.  It also harmonizes the mucosal lining of the urinary tract, vaginal wall and intestines. 

Why Lauren loves Heather Gemmo

I have such admiration for an extract that possesses the ability to be both subtle and deep acting like Heather and I happen to love coming across an expanse of heather while hiking. 

The Heather Shrub

This  low-growing evergreen perennial shrub growing up to 3’ tall, found widely in Europe and Asia Minor on acidic soils in open sunny circumstances.  When heather is present  it is the sign the forest is in its final decay stage. It’s roots form a dense tangle that stabilizes decomposed humus.  This plant is in the same botanical family as blueberry and is so tough and has such strong regenerative powers that it can easily survive fires, putting up plentiful new shoots to provide food for grouse and livestock.

Within the Restoring Immunity System

Nervous System Support

Not yet studied

Elimination Support

Utilized for elimination support only once still has been improved by other extracts. It is a mild-moderate diuretic. 

Alkalizing Support

Consider in all cases of dysbiosis, urinary symptoms, bacterial imbalances, and for the prevention of or the resolving of kidney stones

Acute Support

In a protocol to resolve an acute kidney stone flare.  Usually taken along with Black Currant and a well matched elimination extract. 

Here’s a Podcast to learn more.

Gemmo Ingredients

  • Plant: 5%
  • Glycerine: 33%
  • Ethanol: 18%
  • Water: 44%


None known.


Gemmo extracts are not meant to treat or cure any disease or medical condition. Please consult with your practitioner before using these or any product during pregnancy, along with prescription medications or if you have a serious medical condition.

The previous statements and all statements on this site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).